-Kingdom to be (or of the Heavens, of God, the Future State, the World to come): delight of, 11; explanations of 'many mansions' in, 55-6; no sorrow in, 56; not three states, but two, 56-7; within a man if he is pure, 84, 85; state of, 160; is love, 224; perception of, 231; knowledge of, 312; delight of experienced, 333, 353; nature will not be susceptible to changes in, 341; God opens the gate of, 353; definition of, 353; disdained for the hope of comfort, 356; results of rumination upon, 388-9; the bond of, 390; of God is noetic theoria, 395.
-Kneeling. See Prostrations.
-Knowledge: spiritual comes after performing the virtues, 22; of Christ makes works sweet, 29; on full stomach no knowledge of divine mysteries, 33; place taken by faith, 65; state of knowing, 118; beware of without temptations, 153; first stage of spiritual, 160; of God precedes love and divine vision of Him, 161; of all things from self-knowledge, 162; purity is forgetting contranatural modes of, 177; unitary, 214; natural and spiritual, 226-8; ascent of, 230; monk progresses to successive, 231; on the three degrees of, 253-63; and faith, 253-63; gained by experience of evils, 295; when natural, a man recollects the Judgment, 297; offspring of health of soul, 298; is the perception of life immortal, 298; true, is humility with discernment, 306; true, is a fountain of humility, 306; natural, is noetic vision, 323; on human and spiritual, 352-4; of many things without practice, 392; experience is the eye of, 392.
-Labor. See Works.
-Law, Mosaic: as opposed to the Gospel, 30.
-Laxity (or Heedlessness, Relaxation, Slackness, Sloth): deprives a man of hope in God, 64; as a cause of sin, 72; what it deprives a man of, 99; from many affairs, 103; followed by dispersion and confusion of thoughts, 154; body must be estranged from the causes of, 168, 169; devil watches for a time of, 191; at beginning, 192; also harms those who see it, 236; on what is born of, 249; deprives soul of health, 299; causes of lethargy, 308; when enters the soul, 329-30.
-Lazarus, the poor man, 276.
-Leisure. See Ease.
-Liberty: is freedom in bad sense, 4; caused by reason, 4; produces aberration, 4; impeded by fear and shame, 6; causes instability of mind, 6; time when abolished, 146; of the intellect ceases, 161.
-Life: path of, 3, 39; beginning of true, 4; of the pure of soul is Christ, 85; of age to come, 179; discovery of other life needed to renounce this one, 235; joy in God is stronger than, 298; immortal, definition of, 298; description of, 301; seed of, from repentance, 305; true mortification is movement of, 306; fulfillment of, 316; immortal, experience of, 320-1; faith and humility a fountain of, 351.
-Light: spiritual, 12; of grace, of gladness, 81; of the Trinity in the soul, 85, 121; of the Holy Spirit, 86; of motion is spiritual sight, 130; creation of refers to angelic orders, 132; of the soul, 137; sensible and spiritual, 323.
-limpid purity: difficult to regain, 22; definition of, 22n; of mercy, 55n; faith and mercy bring, 60; preceded by peace of thoughts, 96; man sees mysteries of God through, 96;
sign of, 247, 392.
-Liturgy (or Divine Service, Services, Office): 12 and n, 38, 114, 183, 272; communal church services, 125; sweetness during, 134; if divine vision not yet acquired, 156; steals distraction from the mind, 156n; guards heart, 156n; gluttony causes abandonment of, 199; overcome by darkness of soul, 241; delight in, 268; tears during, 307; performed by others, 317; of the invisible hosts, 321; when silence cuts short the verses during, 328-9; how to begin, 365; instructions for, 366-75.
-Love: of the flesh, 5; characteristics of, 158-9; cannot tarry in any mystery without beloved, 297; of self precedes all the passions, 361; of the world uprooted by temptations, 361.
-Love of God: incites a man to virtue, 22; preceded by the fear of God, 22; more initiated than labor for God, 37; implanted by deliverance from afflictions, 48; should be mixed with fear, 135; torments sinners, 141; bridles aberration in angels, 146; captivity of, 154, 183; caused by divine vision, 157; intellect ascends to, 157; workings of, 158-9, 245; preceded by knowledge of God, 161; is the perfection of all the fruits of the Spirit, 183; ignites tears, 183; shown by works, 203; increases with consolation, 212; realized in stillness, 220; is Paradise, 223; is the tree of life, 224; is God, 224; he who eats, eats Christ, 224; wine that 'maketh glad the heart of man', 224; the divine port, 224-5; humility born of, 244-5; not only because of His rewards, 251; unfailing, 268; toil and tribulation as a sacrifice of, 271; man possessing love for the world cannot attain to, 288; lovers of God live amid afflictions, 293; shown by suffering afflictions, 295; a cause of boldness in prayer, 295; swallows up fear, 297; state of sonship, 297; offspring of knowledge, 298; comes from prayer, 303; a lover of God loves a quiet life, 307; spiritual knowledge is the blossom of, 325; is the fruit of prayer, 325; found in the soul's self- renunciation, 325; proof of given in warfare, 337; grows by spiritual beholding of God, 339; of God for us and the crucifixion, 345-6; causes oblivion to afflictions and insensibility of passions, 363; operation of is simple and uncompounded, 378; the all- embracing portion, 379.
-Love of neighbor: 52; conceals God within, 23; that disturbs stillness, 109-10; activity two-fold, 145-6; before completion of repentance, 153; hesychasts do not concern themselves to maintain, 218; included in the love of God, 220; inspired by separation from men, 220; key to divine gifts, 234; description of the works of, 247; impossible with love of affluence, 306; show to all men, but keep distant, 314; sign of perfection, 345; is likeness to God, 346; examples of, 346; cannot love the world and love, 346; with this a man is clad with God, 346; cannot abide with pecuniary wealth, 361; the mind cannot be illumined by love of God without, 377; example of perfect, 378; observance is twofold, 378; that does not require sight, 389.
-Maccabees, 27.
-Madness, spiritual: of Paul, 39; of saints, 159.
-Makarios, Saint, the Great, 55n, 219, 292-3, 335-7, 339, 374, 377, 378.
-Mark, Saint, the Ascetic, 336, 337, 347, 355.
-Martinian, Abba, 73, 369.
-Martyrdom: to die for keeping the commandments, 23; in resisting sin, 150; of martyrs, 173, 184; suffering for the sake of good or evil men is, 246; in performing a beautiful work, 300; in trying to rescue sinners, 313.
-Meekness, 243, 250.
-Memory. See Recollection.
-Mercy: causes communion with God, 7; is likeness to God, 7, 8, 312, 376, 391; path to spiritual love, 8; deeds of require breadth of heart, 30; merciful man must rise above what is just, 30; definition of merciful man, 30-1, 54; shown by enduring injustice, by repaying evil with good, 55; that disturbs stillness, 109; feeds knowledge in the soul, 234; of God and justice of God, 244; of God not stemmed by vices of His creatures, 244; prayers of merciful men, 244; in tribulation God shows to soul great, 276; merciful man is his own physician, 312; merciful heart, definition, 344-5; follows humility like a shadow follows a body, 354; compassion on the afflicted, 363; brings near to God, 376; must be shown inwardly and outwardly, 376-80; sign of limpid purity, 392.
-Messalians, 5, 119 and n, 143, 336.
-Mind: cviii-cx; strengthened and illumined by reading, 33, 36; prayer purifies, 35; occupied with affairs, cannot approach divine things, 36; which leaves the remembrance of God, 85; fettered by the pursuit of wisdom, 163; held in bondage by vision of the new age, 181; the
discipline of, 213-4; when freed of worldly concerns, becomes limpid, 302; concentration of, 307; when plunged inside a man, 329; God wishes the alteration of, 338; mind dies to passions, 339; cannot be illumined without love of neighbor, 377.
-Miracles (or Wonders, Signs): wrought by many who later fell, 32; prayer for is temptation of devil, 291, 292; the righteous shun, 292; narrations concerning, 292-3; working of, inferior to soul's progress, 334.
-Moderation: adorns all things, 7; eat with, 106; and righteous activity, 154.
-Monk (or Solitary): definition of, 54; ought to be an exemplar of profit, 77; virtues of, 77-8; must stand before the face of God, 98; not required to give alms, 109-11; should have no care, 111; life in the cell, 125-8; meditation of, 177-82; sight of worldly persons harmful to, 221; fixes his eye upon death, 231; watches prayer for guidance, 231; sails from knowledge to knowledge, 231; harmed by conversations, 232; guards his faith, 232; soul of filled with joy in stillness, 232; life of, and advice for, 318-22; does not perceive human affairs, 361; who separates himself from his companions, 363.
-Moses, the Prophet, 7, 18, 126, 259, 381.
-Moses, Abba, the Ethiopian, 97n.
-Motion(s): of prayer, 116-22; things spiritual transcend, 118-9; of noetic beings, 129-30; devil arouses, 194; mind's luminous, 197; of the lower members of the body, 204-5; of nature, 204-5; permitted because of conceit, 205; of divine revelations, 216.
-Mourning (or Weeping): 248, 268; definition of a mourner, 54; separates from the world, mortifies passions, 90; over mortality, 166; occupation in cell, 177-9; entrance into purity from, 178; accompanies natural knowledge, 227; virtue mother of, 282; gives birth to humility, 282; follow Christ by, 317; over this world, 389; man who possesses is invincible to the passions, 396; superior to joy, 396; weapon of, 396.
-Mouth: restrain from speech, 84; a silent interprets mysteries, 84.
-Murmuring: God chastises a man given to, 229; sign of lack of knowledge, 229.
-Mysteries, divine: no knowledge of on full stomach, 33; do not act shamelessly with regard to, 35; of future blessedness, 40; intellect beholds, 83; seen by heart that is free of anger, 85; within men, 87; revelations of given to angels, and angels give to men, 140; of the Lord's day, of the Sabbath, 142-4; of Christ, 160; of future state is spiritual prayer,
182; faith is the door to, 223; the third degree of knowledge searches out, 261; perception of, is knowledge of the truth, 297; of stillness, 319; stillness a harbor of, 319; saints set themselves apart so as to enter into, 321; power to bear, given to the humble, 384; humility is the fullness of all, 384; of the Spirit revealed only through purity, 394.
-Mysteries, Holy. See Eucharest.
-Narrations, 86, 89, 105-11, 184, 271, 272, 278-9, 392-3.
-Nature: what is natural is prior, 19; nature does not suppress its properties, 20; receptive to accidents, 46; war against, 103; human, subject to changes, 70, 104, 338; and aberration, 135; what is alien to requires a mediator, 138; folly of, 154; change of, 154; dominated by love, 154; has not the power to subdue a man's good volition, 204-5; power of for discernment of good, 227; knowledge keeps within the boundaries of, faith journeys above, 254; histories of philosophers show power laid up in human, 278; impotence of human, 296; definition of natures, 323.
-Night: standing during, 308; give more honor to prayer during, 308; delight of the day comes from activity during, 308; vigil during, 365-75; most revelations come during, 371.
-Night vigil: 308, 365-375, 371, 372.
-Nilos, Abba, of Sinai, 30n, 337.
-Noe (Noah), 49, 74.
-Occupations. See Affairs.
-Oeconomy, divine: 44, 180, 268, 312; different from the natural order, 7, 112; angels and demons teach men in accord with, 138; provides for visions and revelations, 175-6.
-Old Man, New Man, the: meaning of, 395.
-Ophni, 75.
-Opposite Gender. See Gender, Opposite.
-Osee (Hosea), the Prophet, 18.
-Pachomios, Saint, 374.
-Passions: abate in desert, 4; definition of, 14, 15; addition to nature, 17; in general, 17-9, 23n; easy to subdue in the beginning, 43; elude by recollection of virtues, 58; and three stages of spiritual life, 79; darkness of, 81; uprooted by study of God, 85; passionate man speaks of
divine things passionately, 87; spring up in body like thorns, 143, 144; on origins and causes of, 151-2; like dogs, 154, 329; spiritual yearning combats, 156n; conquered by palpable virtues, 157; a wall impeding hidden virtues of the soul, 157; strengthened by proximity to things, 169; stillness required to recognize, 173; awakened by wandering, 198; sweetness of killed by tribulations, 205; nourished by ease, 205; consumed by love of God, 239; definition of, 298, 323; when the heart is dead to, 298-9; divine vision steals away awareness of, 322; obstruct divine vision from discernment, 323; turbulence of through excessive food, 325-6; and habit, 329; discernment of, 331-3; do not die, 339; and dispassion, 347; hinder perception of the new world, 361; insensibility to from love of God, 363; die through mourning, 389; polluted garment of hides soul's treasures, 394; mourning makes a man invincible to, 396.
-Patience: 243; explanation of, 211; from humility, 212; the power of, 235; tested by
temptations, 290; produces health of soul, 298; precedes abandonment of the world, 303; preceded by hatred of the world, hatred of lust, 303, 304.
-Paul, the Apostle: 27, 39, 83, 90, 135, 160, 223, 259, 289, 317, 341-2; madness of, 39;
example of, 112; weeping of, 389.
-Paul, the Hermit, 369n, 373.
-Peace: born when senses are collected, 22; make with soul rather than between men, 32; of thoughts after tears, 83, 96; to have must vanquish enemies first, 157; beware of unchanging 208; from good order, 233; gives birth to light in soul and mind, 233; of mind is perfect health, 243; zeal opposed to, 243; and humility, 247; produced by hope, 248; of mind disturbed by a lewd sight, 361.
-Perception: the earnest of the Kingdom is in its, 11; of the Kingdom, is the noetic operation of the Spirit, 11; in spiritual prayer, 182; of mysteries is spiritual knowledge, 227, 297; belonging to spiritual knowledge, 227; of future age, 231, 361; of our Creator, 240; of God is humility, 306; of the spiritual world, 311-2; the intellect is, 323; of the truth 325.
-Perfection: 300; stillness is summit (path) of, 38; of humility, 55; falling short of, 69; stage of, 80, 260; none here due to aberration, 135; of nature in the age to come, 136; in manner of life, 182; of purity, 183; of the fruits of the Spirit, 183; purity of intellect is, 215; foundation of, 233; of the mysteries, 263; approached through, 310; yoked to flesh and blood, 326-7; definition of, 344; sign of the attainment of, 345; humility given to the perfect, 383; of the gift of wonder, 392.
-Peter, the Apostle; 27, 43, 76, 120, 259, 289; denial of, 314.
-Phantasy (fantasy): of, or instead of, the truth, 35, 138, 325, 395; devilish seed of, 79-80;
devil manifests, 194, 267; from gluttony, 199; produced by satiety, 326; of passions, 332.
-Philosophers (or Philosophy): 208, 382; say that passions are innate, 17; words concerning gluttony by, 199; narration concerning, 202; examples of patience, of strength of will, 278-80; strayed from the truth, 325.
-Phinees, 75.
-Pleasure: of body strengthens the passions, 200.
-Possessions: make a slave of the passions, 30; definition of possessiveness, 30; and almsgiving, 110; evil effects of the acquisition of, 360; monk who has must provide for the poor, 377; love of, from closeness to the world, 388.
-Poverty. See Freedom from possessions.
-Powers (order of angels), 131, 132.
-Praise. See Honor.
-Praxis (or Righteous Activity): and theoria, 7, 383; speech born of, 8; purifies the passionate part of soul, 13; and moderation, 154; definition of, 214; nature ceases from when divine vision impeded, 324; the consciousness of the intellect does not require, 378; take up when destitute of theoria, 379.
-Prayer: sloth in brings darkness, 12; make fitting requests in, 23, 24; causes why not quickly answered, 24; concerning temptations, 25-6; and chastity, purity, 31; and vigil illumine intellect, 35; and mercy, 35; and reading, 36; cut off by wonder, 36; God does not answer quickly because of our negligence, 46; for divine help causes humility, 68; definitions of, 68, 117; God slow to answer so as to teach man his need of Him, 69; scatters darkness of passions, 81; two kinds of, 97; must be conjoined with bodily toil, 107; sweetness of, 115-6; divine vision of, 115-6, 117; on pure and on 'spiritual', 116-22; when transcended, 116-22, 160; mediator between natural and spiritual state, 119; gifts are received during,
120-1; changes character of occurrences, 123-4; of reconciliation, 124; and expectation, 128; not judged for neglect of, 151; canonical established by revelation, 151; fasting mother of, 171; and tears, 178, 363; embraces all the works of stillness, 182; unceasing by grace of the Comforter, 182; definition of spiritual, 182-3; of the heart, 214; directs monk in his life, 231; key to understanding of Scripture, 233; divine vision into verses of, 241; time of darkness when cannot draw nigh to, 241; of merciful man, 244; fruit of undistracted, 248; laxity shames, 249; notations of the verses of, 266; necessary to determine what is good, 286; God leaves men to labor in, 291; translucence in, 302; needs exercise, 303; preceded by seclusion, 303; necessary to acquire love for God, 303; definition of, 303, 345; kneeling during, 307; tears are the fullness of, 307; during the night more precious, 308, 372; love is the fruit of, 325; in mortification of the will, 325; for irrational beasts, enemies of the truth, 345; of a humble man, 350; become in your thought like an ant in, 351; Fathers chose silence and seclusion for the sake of, 371; we do not receive help without, 387; path of in temptations, 388; motions of spiritual, 394.
-Prayers, 91-2, 150, 161, 194, 215, 286-7, 298, 300, 309, 311, 365-6.
-Pride: loathsome to God, 42; God sends trials upon the proud to make them humble, 50; is in darkness without knowing it, 99-100; search out, 104; how resist the thought of, 183-5; causes God's providence to withdraw, 190, 309; devil tries to instill, 193; accompanies hardness of heart, 203; trials of, 210-1; from the first degree of knowledge, 259; approaches when a man is without afflictions, 283; precedes ruin, 283; God abandons a man because of, 283, 338; definition of, 283; recollect transgressions to combat, 338; visiting the sick releases a man from, 379-80; and humility, 383; demon of cast down by awestruck wonder, 391.
-Principalities (order of angels), 131, 132.
-Prostrations (or Kneeling): 303, 334, 371; at time of compunction, 38; before Cross, 38,
39, 105; cause of light, 39; cut short by joy, 39; during prayer, 62; thirty, 97; during reading, 105; the delightful bending of the knees, 114; draw God's mercies, 155; hindered by gluttony, 199; prefer to psalmody, 307; mind grows silent during, 307; most helpful in time of darkness, 387; devil wars against, 387-8; persist in even if thoughts are cold, 387.
-Providence of God: 4, 27, 34, 65, 268; writings on, 33; evident in trials, 43-5; the righteous rely entirely upon, 65; astonishment at, 180; thought of brings humility, 184-5; examples of, 184; manifested according to a man's volition, 190; in trials and afflictions, 209, 210; darkness is also from, 241; soul possessing faith relies on entirely, 253; the first degree of knowledge takes no account of, 258, 259; rely on during solitary life, 270-1; arouses fear for virtue, 274; draws nigh a man who despises the world, 276; griefs are sign that a man is under, 290; always present with the saints, 291; manifested only when profitable, 291; do not meddle in, 291 and n; trains the saints, 295-6; brings variations upon us, 338; hurls us into the realm of temptations, 341; protects those who draw nigh to God as children, 351-2; hidden power of, 352; grace reveals the workings of to a man, 354-5; revealed to a man by grace, 391.
-Psalmody: 62, 272, 303; difficult to hold intellect during, 134; not judged for, 151; divine vision into verses of, 241; how to receive delight during, 268, 269; root of the ascetic discipline, 308; more profitable than labor, 308; becomes insipid, 308; during vigil, 366-70; ponder upon before sleep, 393.
-Punishment. See Recompense, Chastisement.
-Purity: of thoughts, 5, 14; natural property of the soul, 19; of the mind, definition, 20; of
mind and of heart, 21; if quickly gained, quickly lost, 21; causes soul to glisten in prayer, 31; causes joy at memory of death, 31; Master of all seen in, 84; visual power of souls possessing, 130; definition of, 173, 177, 344; requires withdrawal from outer turmoils, 173-4; the sign of entrance into, 177; boundary of, 177; purification of the body, soul and intellect, 215-6; revelation comes from, 322; is translucence of the noetic air, 323; requisite for receiving spiritual knowledge, 353; near to when perceive God's care, 390; mysteries of the Spirit given only when there is, 394; grace reveals the soul's splendor through, 394; cannot be achieved outside of stillness, 395; natural that heavenly light shines into, 396.
-Purpose. See Goal.
-Rapture (see also Captivity), the mystery of even now, 146-7.
-Reading: 226, 334; instructions for, 6; in stillness brings intellect to wonder, 31; read books of the teachers of the Church on providence, 33; of Gospels gives provisions for journey, 33; to be done in stillness, 34; assists prayer, 36; refines thoughts, 45; renews soul-profiting recollections, 58; during times of darkness, 81, 241; boons of, 102; of Scripture in second degree of knowledge, 260; when mind is scattered, 307; should be parallel to way of life, 307; not all books useful for purification, 307; honor above standing, 307; strengthens intellect, 318; sweetened by stillness, 320; ponder upon before sleep, 393.
-Reason: and free will, 4, 134, 146, 230; rational soul's ability to discern good and evil, 226; rational man fears the Judgment, 297.
-Recollection (or Memory): to drive away fleshly, 5; perpetual is spiritual unity, 8; use of, 10-11; of virtues, 58; Scripture renews soul-profiting, 58; of former actions must be cast out, 232; of virtuous and licentious men, 267; discernment of, 268; gives birth to tears, 269-70; of the Judgment, 297; of transgressions, 338; renewed by sense perceptions, 364; of sins is not humility, 383; of human affairs stolen away, 389; of things whereby men are led astray causes tears, 389.
-Recollection of death: 314, 315, 317; when beginning the works of God, 61; blessed is the man who has, 86; and examination of self, 91, 126, 156n, 165-6; accompanies natural knowledge, 227; power of, 238; fetter for outward members, 311.
-Recollection (or Remembrance, Memory) of God: caused by temptations, 47, 48; causes boldness in prayer, 48; causes wonder, 48, 54, 181; cleanses heart, 85; and love of God, 183; man who honors others because of, 229; causes memory of visible things to vanish, 231; is God's indwelling, 248.
-Recollection of world to be, of things spiritual: 34, 36, 179-81, 367, 388-9; collects mind, 156; helps a man to depart from world, 166, 389; through despising things here, 389.
-Recompense (or Repayment, Reward, Punishment): from God, 37; do good not expecting, 37, 230; arises from man's capacity to change, 47; a diversity of in the Kingdom and Gehenna, 56; for good and evil volition, 58; for faith, not works, 62; diverse for diverse sins, 71; and accidental occurrences, 123; endure patiently, 149, during this life or at its end, 153; of our deeds, 230; bestowed by God, 230, 251-2; for the practice of virtue, 235; not given for labor or virtue but for humility, 282; for evil is God's affair, 313.
-Reflection (or Rumination, Meditation): sows the fear of God in the heart, 3; while in
bed, 42; on the love of God screens the soul, 80; on God drives away demons, 84; sweetness of, 114; on future things, 156; on the Scriptures, 179; on God's majesty, providence, 179-80; on death and resurrection, 180-1; and stillness kindle sweetness and wonder, 182; fruits of, 197-8; perform works with, 246; on God, 248; on virtuous men, 267; upon an impotent thought, 300; upon hope of the heart, 311; definition of spiritual, 316; upon future things retains repentance, 316; during vigil, 368-70; effects of upon the world to come, 388-9; imageless meditation, 388; on God causes forgetfulness of the world, 390.
-Relaxation. See Laxity.
-Remembrance. See Recollection.
-Remembrance of wrongs: and prayer, 244, 246.
-Remission. See Forgiveness.
-Renunciation: of former habits, 167; meaning of 'to deny oneself', 167-8.
-Repayment. See Recompense.
-Repentance: 239; no forgiveness without, 10; of no avail after the removal of free will, 12; hope furnished by must not be used as an aid to sinning, 74-6; no limit to, 153; path of, 206; grace after grace, second regeneration, 223; door of mercy, 223; born of faith and fear, 223, 227; brings to love, 224-5; is the working of the fear of God, 227; gives birth to spiritual knowledge, 227; labors of, bitter before receive divine vision, 232; and conversations, 244; boldly rely upon, 248; tears sign of acceptance, 269; mother of life, 305; renews grace lost after baptism, 305; when far from all things, 305; humility the beginning of, 306; retained in soul by reflection upon future things, 316; transports a man to the world to come, 316; is perpetual sorrow of heart, 316; if love, love stillness, 316; heals the soul, 335; definition of, 340, 344; this life is given for, 364.
-Repose. See Ease.
-Rest, bodily. See Ease.
-Rest: after tears, 83; in it a man begins to behold mysteries, 83; and hardships, 152-3; as an earnest, 153; from passions before reaching humility, 159; of God, 248; do not yield to laxity during, 249; faith is perfect, 257; from labor is the third degree of knowledge, 262; the time of is in the age to come, 293.
-Resurrection: 316, 360; awakens the dead, 166; faith in, 166; of the soul, 175, 198;
living as though after, 179; of mankind, 180; angels await, 180; state after, 214, 367, 372; air of, 224; of spiritual man, 235; doubt in, 242; grace of, 251-2; noetic in the third degree of knowledge, 261; expectation of, 305, 316; conviction in is the budding of the heart, 311; entrusting one's life to the life after, 364.